Mary didn't have a book about mushrooms, but she brought out a book she had about lichen. I read the first few pages and learned that lichens are a mixture of fungus and a... shoot, I forgot the word! Moments like these get scarier and scarier. Most of my friends are older, and I am seeing some memory loss in a few of them. Besides that, I watched my Mom and George and friends live and die with dementia. It is SCARY! Ok, thanks to Google, I am reminded that fungus and algae are in a symbiotic relationship that creates lichen. " Rather, it is a symbiosis between different organisms - a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium." When taking pictures of mushrooms I found myself wondering if something was a lichen or a mushroom, or just a mold. I think we saw all three in the woods. My sister Mary and I had fun going on two more mushroom walks while I was visiting in Rhinelander, WI. I love that I took the picture below and then when
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.