So last night, here I was, exhausted, comfortably sitting on a balcony overlooking the beach. Enjoying the sunset and sharing a picture on Facebook. When I noticed that it hurt to swallow. A pain above my Adam's apple. Before I left I had started getting some pains in my neck and I suspected it was from a tooth that had chipped while I was in the Netherlands. It was a back molar with a large filling and the whole side of the tooth had fallen off. I have an appointment with my dentist set for the end of July. I thought, since I had not felt pain, I was ok to wait a couple months to see the dentist about it. Just before I left I tried to get in, but it was near the 4th of July and my dentist was off for the week. I went to the walk in clinic and asked for antibiotics to combate the infection if I needed it on this trip. I got some and I am carrying them with me. I don't want to take them. We all have heard about the damage to the gut bact...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.