Get creative! Read in the sea, by a tree, with me, sitting on a giant pea... Read it with your dog, on a log, knee deep in bog, next to a frog... Read it in a chair, on the stairs, at the fair... Snap a picture or video yourself reading your favorite part of Alzheimer's Trippin' with George I am excited about a promotion idea and I HOPE that you will get excited too. I think it will be fun! I will talk about that first and then, after that, I will give you a peek into what is happening now. Video Trailer I have learned that books have to have trailers now days. Just like a movie. I bought one for cheap. It is actually pretty good, considering. I will share it in the next post, it isn't quite done yet. But I got an idea of just a video showing people reading Alzheimer's Trippin' with George . Maybe I will add it to the professional video I have or make one on its own... who knows. BUT I would like to get picture
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.