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Showing posts with the label new book

Rolling Clouds, Rolling Forward, Rolling Solo

 I got a bunch of firewood.  My camping neighbor, Judy was going to join me for chat by the fire this evening.  But... now the wood is covered with a blue tarp and I am sequestered inside my little camper as it rains and the day's light fades. Mother's Day, when I wrote you last, I also spent some hours writing for book three.  It is rough, I have lots more work, but I think it might be ready for some other eyes to read, mark up, make some suggestions for changes.   After a beta read through and re-hash, I will send to a professional editor.  It all takes time. If you would like to volunteer to be a Beta reader and provide constructive criticisms on content and flow and mark-ups on any punctuation or grammar mistakes, let me know.  I could print it out and send you a copy somewhere along my travels.     Later on Mother's Day I went for a drive and did some sightseeing.  It was too windy and rainy to go for a float on my new SUP...

Vote! Book Cover of the Month!

Happy NEW YEAR. I hope all of you had a nice time either alone or with family or friends for the holidays. May you have a great 2020.  One thing is certain, everything will NOT remain the same.  Change is coming. I will write more soon about life and such, but I wanted to get these two tidbits of news out to you ASAP. THE JOURNEY ON AUDIO! I am hoping to write more to you soon.  First, the Audio book for THE JOURNEY CONTINUES is now on Audible.  The official launch date is January 12th, but I wanted YOU to be the first to know about it. If you would like receive a free download of the audio book to listen to and you are willing to provide an honest review on two sites: Amazon, Audible, Itunes, Bookbub, Goodreads, or on your Facebook Page, please email me.  The reviews help spread the word about the books to caregivers and other readers. COVER NOMINATED, VOTE TODAY! AllAuthor website has nominated Alzheimer's Trippin' with George for Cover...

Count Down to Book Launch - Day 5 - Black Friday Sale

November 11, 2019 Hello! It is Black Friday!  And the Kindle version of The Journey Continues - Alzheimer's Trippin' with George is on sale until December 4, 2019 for only $2.99.  Who do you know that could use a little inspiration, lift, fun? Thanksgiving was wonderful, thanks to the folks that joined me and sent greetings. Someone somewhere created this cool image.  Who does it belong to?  I would like to give credit where credit is due... or get permission to post it. Thanks to the artist and the owner.  It is pretty cool.  I got it from Jim Cook an Ohio Trike-rider.  He doesn't remember which trike site he found it. Here is my Count-down video.  Only 5 more days to the launch! It is another gorgeous day in our area of Florida. I am going to ride my trike down to feed the goats (about 16 miles down the trail). I have stored my vegetable and fruit scraps from a couple weeks to share with them. Then, if I get back in time, s...

Count-down To Book Launch - Day 7

November 27, 2019 This is so exciting! Only seven more days to the launch on ebook/kindle of THE JOURNEY CONTINUES! I am doing a series of videos as I count down to launch.  Just me, talking about the books and the process and life this week. Let me know what you would like to see in an up-coming countdown video. Who do you know that would enjoy our journey, or benefit from the positive out-look and caregiving information within it?  Share this post and this link to the book . Thanks for watching and joining me on this journey!

Wow! Alzheimer's Trippin' on Audible! Interview

Howdy howdy! Can you believe it??? I posted yesterday that I was waiting for the audio book to be launched by Amazon and Audible and Itunes. This morning it was there! I made a short link for you. So you can send the link to your friends and post it on your social media. Thanks again to Robin Siegerman the Voice Actor who put so much life and fun into my writing.  What a thrill. Here is a short link to the sample so you can share that with friends too if you want to. /Alzheimers-trip-AudioSampl e Podcast Interview Coming Soon! And then, I went up on Twitter to let folks know and saw that the interview I had with Jennifer of the Fading Memories Podcast is going to go LIVE on November 5th.  It says 5 a.m.  Is that my time or her time?  She is in California. Whoo hoo! Can we stand any more excitement? Thanks for being part of this new "trip"!

People and Fish - Leave before you stink

Today is Thursday, October 3, 2019. I am in a Super 8 Motel in Rochester, Indiana. I was supposed to be in Holland, Michigan.  That was the plan but you know how it goes when you are traveling.  Things happen and then you find yourself on a different road with a different destination. I haven't taken the time to blog because my days were full up with visiting with friends and family.  So I have fallen behind.   It will take a couple posts at least to catch up. The last post I was in Steven's Point where I spent the night at Barbara and Rolf's home in the woods not far from Steven's Point and Amherst, Wisconsin. I got up at six and was out the door by 6:30.  Before I left I brought in a paper copy (one of the few I brought with me) of The Journey Continues .  We shared hugs and I was on my way south toward Waukesha where George and I lived and he ran his business for over 25 years. But first stop was John Deere where our former employee, ...