I was staying at Arbor Vitae Campground and after writing to you all morning, I took off for a bike ride to explore the area and find something to bring to the campfire at my neighbor's that evening. While heading south I passed a sign for Madeline Hiking Trail. I turned around and rode in. As I approached the kiosk I noticed an older couple chatting with a woman that appeared about to start her hike. I locked up my bike and as they ended their conversation I asked the woman if she was just starting. She said, "Yes" "May I join you or would you rather walk alone." "That would be great!" she said. "I was just about to ask if I could walk with you." Yes! It was so wonderful! Just as we started down the trail we saw these two dark animals racing toward us. First we hesitated, should we be afraid? Then we identified them as husky-style puppies. Their owner walking fast behind them. "Sorry," she said. I assured her there...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.