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Showing posts with the label Grief

Perspective Adjustment - Nature Heals Us

Friday, May 8, 2020 I am grateful for nature.  There are few things that raise my spririt up more than seeing something rare in nature and soaking up a beautiful day.   Especially if I have someone with whom to share the experience. So I am going to tell you all about my totally awesome day I had recently. I am also grateful for wonderful neighbors and friends that lift my spirits and sometimes they help me move heavy furniture, loan a tool or volunteer to assist with something. I will tell you all about THAT too.  But first I need to talk a bit to those folks in the future who will be reading this and wondering what is going on in the world at this time. We Are Living at the Beginning of COVID-19 Historical Perspective 2020 It is easy for us baby-boomers who have lived most of our lives with freedom of movement and freedom to express our opinions to fall into a self-pity party during this time.  We have lived in a period of economic growth for most of our lives. When

Thought Switching, Fundraising, Book Launching

 It is Tuesday, October 29, 2019 and my mind and body are all over the place. Before I get into what I have been up to, I want to share a statistic put out by the Associated Press.   More than five million people in the United States have Alzheimer's Disease. We have just over 329 million people in the USA.  So five million is a lot, but it is less than two percent of the population. Now that figure doesn't tell us how many have dementia .  Remember that dementia is the set of symptoms.  You can think of dementia as the umbrella of symptoms.  Under those symptoms are many reasons, diagnoses, or folders .   Debbie Selsalvage says the folder under the umbrella with the most papers in it (people or cases) is Alzheimer's Disease.   There are many, many causes of dementia symptoms.  Some of them are curable.  That is why it is good to get to the doctor if you or a loved one is showing symptoms.  Sometimes it is just a vitamin deficiency, a tumor, or a medication si