I said I wasn't going to write to you again until I got back to New York in September. But, I couldn't do it. It's too long a time to not touch base. I am excited for my friends Jim and Ann at are also traveling this summer. They have made their way from Florida up through California and into Oregon. They are spending time in each lovely place and enjoying the views. We reach out to each other once in a while and send a couple pictures. Then I think of my friends that are working their way through health challenges and I send them love and Tinkerbell sparkles. Last I wrote to you I was near Niagra Falls in New York. I was about to cut through Canada to arrive back in the USA north of Detroit. I was worried about the crossing and my dog spray (pepper spray). Well, as usual with worry, it was wasted energy. I went early in the morning and they asked me if I had any weapons. Rather than explain my kitchen knives and pepper spray, ...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.