Greetings from Fort White, Florida, We did it. Despite mishaps and some angst, I am still feeling some angst, we have begun our 2024 Travels. Angst Last year we traveled together but I had Big Blue (my truck) and Lilac (my camper) with me. And though I moved stuff into Steve's trailer and stayed with him, on travel days I was driving Big Blue on my own, and I had all the stuff that I don't use very often in my truck and trailer nearby. This is our first full season traveling with one truck and one trailer. I am trying to adjust. Steve is very accommodating and a good partner for this trip. It's just me, worrying. And maybe some of the angst is world news, the US 2024 elections, and some of it is worrying about my son. He just changed jobs and then in a few days he got laid off from the new job making him un-eligible for unemployment because he had not worked there long enough. He will be fifty this year and I still worry. So if you know of any jobs. Here is a bit
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.