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Showing posts with the label Corona

You Can Be A Wellness Tripper

It has been at least 12 days since I last wrote to you. There have been many moments when I am just thrilled to be where I am and doing what I am doing.  This is new for me.  Outside of taking care of George, I have always wondered if I should be doing something else.    It may be a side-effect of COVID distancing that I don't feel rushed to be or do something more than I am at the moment.  That is a wonderful feeling. While I wasn't writing to you I was doing other fun stuff!    I went for a walk with my sister Mary through Rhinelander, WI and took a picture of this beautiful rock.   One day when she needed a hug I was so glad I was nearby to do just that. My friends, John and Sandy from Sussex, WI came to visit!  They stayed at a different campground because this campground office/tavern proudly doesn't follow COVID-19 safety guidelines. I had thought about going to that campground next year, but they are strict about having an RV-Cert...

Campground Dust and Traveling Pooh

Morning - July 6, 2020 It is quiet and peaceful here this morning.  The birds are singing.  Most of the guests here are still sleeping or soaking in their morning coffee. If I just look in front of me I see trees and grass.  I am fortunate to have an end of the aisle site at the very busy, sardine can lay-out of the Timberline Campground in Goodfield, Illinois. When I entered the campground yesterday around noon I was a bit shocked.  This place was buzzing with golf carts and dirt buggies zipping around at high speed sending up dust clouds that hovered over the air.  The pool area was packed, groups of people were gathered at campsites. I got here so early because I packed up all I could and hooked up last night for an early departure.  I must have left the campground in Vienna, IL around 6:15 a.m. The drive here was uneventful except for a few miles on a flat but wavey pavement very straight country road.  I had to drive it at 40 mph....

Adios and Launch Florida to Wisconsin, COVID-style in my WeeRoll

Hello!   And greetings from the road! “In every walk with nature one receives much more than they seek” Two days before the launch of this trip I received a birthday card and gift from Bev.   We had met and became friends in Junior High School.   Bev makes jewelry and lots of other decorations.   She made me this necklace with the above saying on it.   What a wonderful launch to my trip! The night before launch I attended two COVID-Style Happy Hours.   I got and gave physical-distance hugs and well wishes.   I looked around for a good tree to hug, my body and heart yearning to give the comfort and connection that only comes from a good hug.   The only trees were too skinny to get a good hug. I was so glad to hear that Debra would have an experienced camper with her on her first night out in her Weeroll.  I was sad to be missing that experience with her.  She and I wanted to camp together but between CO...