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Showing posts with the label courage

I made it! Not without misery…

 I made it to the falls and pulled into camp at 7:00 p.m. The campground required online reservation and I only had one line of cell service so it took me  half hour to get registered. While biking toward camp I was dreaming of food, a bicyclists fuel, and the last of my snacks and lunch had been devoured a couple hours ago.   I decided I would set up and then ride two miles down the road to get some supper.  But once I was in camp,  there was so much to do.  Then it was too late, I didn't want to ride the country road in the dark after eating.   I got to use my mini propane burner for the first time!  I was glad I had packed a back-packer's meal.  A packet of cajun beans and rice.  I added peanut butter and I my hunger was satisfied. Right now I am writing to you as I am straddling my bike at the intersection of Hwy 2 and Hwy 64.  I was checking the map and saw I had two lines of cell service.  So I thought I would uploa...

Adios and Launch Florida to Wisconsin, COVID-style in my WeeRoll

Hello!   And greetings from the road! “In every walk with nature one receives much more than they seek” Two days before the launch of this trip I received a birthday card and gift from Bev.   We had met and became friends in Junior High School.   Bev makes jewelry and lots of other decorations.   She made me this necklace with the above saying on it.   What a wonderful launch to my trip! The night before launch I attended two COVID-Style Happy Hours.   I got and gave physical-distance hugs and well wishes.   I looked around for a good tree to hug, my body and heart yearning to give the comfort and connection that only comes from a good hug.   The only trees were too skinny to get a good hug. I was so glad to hear that Debra would have an experienced camper with her on her first night out in her Weeroll.  I was sad to be missing that experience with her.  She and I wanted to camp together but between CO...

Surreal Living In the Beginning of COVID-19

It is March 26, 2020 Hello! I hope you are well and finding ways to stay mentally healthy.  We are social creatures and isolation and distancing are both un-natural and uncomfortable. I found a song on Youtube that was supposed to be funny, but made me sad. "All by myself, don't wanna be all by myself anymore..." Those of us that are retired are feeling very fortunate to not be depending on a wage right now, with many businesses closed for a period of social distancing in an effort to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. I woke up this morning having another difficult night trying to sleep.  My shoulders hurt because they are used to heavy lifting at the gym, I think.  Or maybe they hurt from the lack of giving hugs and getting hugs.  This social distancing is physically difficult for those not living with family or pets. When I descend the stairs to start the coffee, I can sense my tears are ready to erupt.  This is a feeling I am very fami...

Corona Light - Going with the Flow in Arizona

Tuesday, March 10, 2019 Before I talk about my trip I want you to know Alzheimer's Trippin' with George e-book is on sale through April 1st at $2.99.  It is Monday morning. I am pedaling the e-assist Scorpion recumbent tricycle that my friend Bob has loaned me.  I am riding toward my brother's home south of Phoenix.  Google bike map has directed me down a bike trail along one of the many canals in the area. Every once in a while I am pushing the orange-painted plexiglass wind-shield away from me and studying how it is attached.  In time it creeps back toward me and my right foot starts going click click click as it hits the shield.  I know I could tighten it, do I remember where I put the tools? I am wondering if I can remove the wind-shield along with the canvas sun canopy that protects the rider from the strong Arizona desert sun.   The canopy keeps bumping the back of my helmet and it takes extra energy to fight against the he...

Decision Freeze and Then BAM! Shazam!

STUCK IN THE WHINE I want to warn you, this first part may sound whiney.  I have a little kid that sits on my shoulder and whines on and on and on. "I don't want to," she whines. But before I talk about that and lose your interest, please vote!  No, this isn't a political plea.  My book cover was nominated for cover-of-the-month.  And I need folks to vote for THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.  Click here and vote .   I think we only have a few more days to vote, so do it now. Ok, now back to my indecisiveness and the whiner on my shoulder... Decisions sometimes come hard.  I was talking with a fellow Dementia Diva Widow and she said she is lost, she just doesn't know who she is or what or where she wants to be.  I could relate.  I heard in her voice the echo of my whine. This feeling is very familiar to me. Some people try something in sixth grade and know that thing is what they want to do for their career.  For George it...