Greetings from the shade of my kitchen in Inverness, Florida, In two weeks Steve and I are flying to NY to watch the solar eclipse and visit his family. This weekend they got seven inches of snow! I can't remember if I purged my winter boots when I was cleaning out my storage or if they are stored up in Steve's attic. I guess I will have to do some searching before I buy a pair. We might even do some skiing or snow showing in the Adirondacs while we are there! As you can tell from the title of this post, we made it home from our bicycle ride. I apologize to Steve, as I did not spend a lot of time planning this trip, I guess. And our motels turned out to be a lot further apart than I had expected. We didn't always follow the Google path. So we had three days in a row of higher than planned days. 50-ish. And me on a new-to-me bike seat. Let's just say, the pain made me wonder at times why I ever thought this would be fun. Steve was a great sport, though. A rea
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.