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Showing posts with the label catrike

Myrtle Beach by Tricycle

 Greetings from the beach at Myrtle Beach State Park, It was just over 300 miles from our campsite in Okefenokee Swamp to our campsite in Myrtle Beach State Park.  My rule is no more than 300 miles a day, my bad. I was driving when Steve used his phone to find us a place to get Pizza.  It turned out to be a pizza and coffee shop.  And they don't start serving Pizza until 4:00.  So we each got a sandwich instead.  Pizza is still on our agenda.  Maybe on a biking day... The place had some interesting art work.  This piece reminded me of one of El Towle's paintings that I have a print of hanging in Steve's house. Our site at Myrtle Beach State Park cost $85 per night.  I think that is the most I have ever paid for camping.  Steve commented that hotel rooms probably go for over $200 in Myrtle Beach.   It was a nice park with lots of vegetation,  lots of beach access and fishing piers. The pathways to the beach were bordered with wildflowers. When we arrived we saw a man taking

A Miracle and a Good Laugh

 Greetings from Inverness, Florida. I have sooo many stories to tell.  So much fun to share.  But I will save you from yawns by telling you only two of  (what I think) are the best. Blessed If you have been reading these letters for over five years, you will remember this. These pictures are of George's trike when I had it for sale in 2017.  He won first prize at a Catrike Rally for the lovely paint job on his trike. He was active on the recumbent chats online.  His alias was Whitecat on His first Catrike was white.  But then he had this Catrike Expedition custom painted by a motorcycle painter in Tampa. In 2017, George's dementia had progressed and George could no longer ride it.  We were getting a tandem trike to ride.  (Which is another awesome miracle/blessing story.  I wrote about that in The Journey Continues: Alzheimer's Trippin' With George .). I sold George's trike to friends Kim and Bill.  They are Windemere neighbors and Kim is the da

Memory Lane

The other day I woke up to a note beside my cot.  "Mail Poop!" it said.    Oh ya, I had done one of those tests to check for colon cancer and I was supposed to mail in the "sample" within 24 hours.  But I had not found a mailbox and then I had forgotten.  In the middle of the night I remembered  I needed to take care of this first thing in the morning.   Note to self, "Mail Poop!" *** One of the reasons I travel is to escape the Florida summer heat.   Today, it will be in the 90's and humid in SE Minnesota.   Fortunately for me, I have many other reasons to pull my house behind my truck all over tarnation. In Frankfort, Illinois I was in a part of the country I was raised in.  I don't much care for the flat farmland.  I always preferred the trees and hills of Wisconsin.  Of course, when I am riding a recumbent, the flat land isn't so flat. I rode my two-wheel crank-forward on the Folks On Spokes Club fundraising ride.  We started out with some