Hello! Last I wrote to you I was just ending my trip to Sanibel Island and the Everglades. I was debating whether to downsize or cheapen my Florida living situation and travel half the year. As usual in these tough decisions, I have gone round and round. I was talking with a friend who is building a house. She said once she has made a decision, she just goes with it. But her husband loops through the decision they have already made. He goes through the decision-making process over and over again. Second guessing, double checking, he is like me in that regard. I remind myself to be grateful that I have choices. Sometimes in life, and in so many lives less fortunate, there are few choices other than to be negative or look at the bright-side. Before I get into some decisions I have gone through recently, I have to share this bright sunset picture with you. Last I wrote you I had a Halloween picture and song lyrics by my Wisconsin friend, Mark Blackman. Well this week I got thi
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.