It is Friday night, October 9, 2020, and I am sitting at my little TV tray-desk in my little Weeroll drinking a little glass of red wine... or purple wine. It is the last of the wine from the bottle that Jeannie Clayton gave me from the Purple Toad Winery in Paducah, KY. It is Black and Bruised Red Wine. It is sweet and potent, as I sip my writing might get silly. Just warning you. This evening before I sat at the computer I hooked up Lilac and folded up my portable sink and horror of all horrors... I used the campground shower. I have tried to avoid doing that because COVID might be lingering in the air from the last user. Now I am all hooked up and ready ready ready for.... HOME! Yes, I leave in the morning and drive to Inverness. Last I wrote I was feeling down about ending my journey, but the last few days I have stayed in one place on my own. I have rested and reflected and thought about next spring and summer and fall....
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.