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Showing posts from 2024

Adventure Begins on The George Michelson Trail in South Dakota

Greetings from the shaded porch at Plenty Star Ranch along the George Michelson Trail, Sheesh, that was a mouth full! Before I tell you about our duo bike tour, let me tell you about our fun on a noisy four-wheeler. There is a place in Custer where you can rent a fast polaris thing.  Steve rented one for half a day for us. The Adventure Company provides ipads or some kind of screen that has GPS and shows you where you are on the off road trails.   We were surprised by the smoothness of the ride.  However the road had some puddles and muddy places.  After slowing for the dip, Steve would speed up and the mud would fly off the wheels.  At first I though it was flies buzzing around us until the mud blobs lanfed in the hood, half wind shield and inside the vehicle.  It wasn't long and I had cow pie on my shirt and seat.  Lol, at least I never got any in my face! We were instructed to go through the cattle gates and if it was closed, close it.  If it was open, leave it open. We went to

Head West Old Folks

Greetings from Steve's Awningless Trailer! I will tell you about how we lost the awning in a bit.  But first I want to tell you about our last day and night riding with our friends Ann and Fred in the Bemidji, MN area. Ann suggested we ride the Heartland Trail.  We met them with our trikes and had a delightful time. In the evening Ann wanted us to come to the "cabin" where she and her family spent many summers.   She gave us a tour.  The Cabin isnt a cabin anymore but has been added onto many times.  With many lovely views of the lake. She and Fred have an electic hookup for their trailer.  She made us a lovely pasta dinner.   Ann showed us a picture of her mother in front of the Bemidji Paul Bunyon Statue shortly after it was erected in 1937 And one of Ann as a little girl. After we left that area we headed for the Sinclair Lewis Campground along the Lake Wobegon Trail.  It was a nice campground right on the trail and easy walking to downtown restaurants. It was our firs