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Showing posts with the label Travel Diary

Myrtle Beach by Tricycle

 Greetings from the beach at Myrtle Beach State Park, It was just over 300 miles from our campsite in Okefenokee Swamp to our campsite in Myrtle Beach State Park.  My rule is no more than 300 miles a day, my bad. I was driving when Steve used his phone to find us a place to get Pizza.  It turned out to be a pizza and coffee shop.  And they don't start serving Pizza until 4:00.  So we each got a sandwich instead.  Pizza is still on our agenda.  Maybe on a biking day... The place had some interesting art work.  This piece reminded me of one of El Towle's paintings that I have a print of hanging in Steve's house. Our site at Myrtle Beach State Park cost $85 per night.  I think that is the most I have ever paid for camping.  Steve commented that hotel rooms probably go for over $200 in Myrtle Beach.   It was a nice park with lots of vegetation,  lots of beach access and fishing piers. The pathways to the beach were bordered with wildflowers. When we arrived we saw a man taking

Ridge Manor to Home via the Withlacoochee Trail.

Greetings from the shade of my kitchen in Inverness, Florida, In two weeks Steve and I are flying to NY to watch the solar eclipse and visit his family.  This weekend they got seven inches of snow!   I can't remember if I purged my winter boots when I was cleaning out my storage or if they are stored up in Steve's attic.  I guess I will have to do some searching before I buy a pair.  We might even do some skiing or snow showing in the Adirondacs while we are there! As you can tell from the title of this post, we made it home from our bicycle ride.  I apologize to Steve, as I did not spend a lot of time planning this trip, I guess. And our motels turned out to be a lot further apart than I had expected.  We didn't always follow the Google path.  So we had three days in a row of higher than planned days.  50-ish.  And me on a new-to-me bike seat.  Let's just say, the pain made me wonder at times why I ever thought this would be fun. Steve was a great sport, though.  A rea

There Will Be Great Days

 Greeting from Lake Mary, Florida, Last night after I wrote to you, Steve and I walked the side walk and trail to the Honeysuckle.  There we ate dinner.  Bruce will be glad to know we broke our streak of bad luck picking places to dine.  This was yummy.  With spicey green beans, cornbread, black-eyed peas, steamed cabbage, and sweet potato tots for me and catfish and cheezy grits for Steve,   home style southern cooking. When we arrived back at the B&B it was all lit up.  Nice! I use Google maps with the bicycle level turned on to map our rides.  Most the time the routing is spot on.  But I had a hunch when we got to the end of the Spring To Spring Trail, that it was putting us on the road when it didn't need to.  But that was later in the day, let me start from the beginning.  We departed shortly after sunrise. It was a cold morning but by 9 am we were starting to peel off a layer. We encountered a group of cyclists doing another ride we want to do, the River to Sea Loop.  The