February 12, 2021 Today was the final day of the annual Caregivers' conference put on by Coping with Dementia . This morning I was part of a panel of three authors talking about keeping a journal. We had all been caregivers for someone with dementia, we had all kept journals in some form. Vicki Veasey started out keeping her journal in calendar form. This helped her keep track of her parents' symptoms, appointments, happenings. By keeping track on a calendar she was able to see that her father experienced symptoms around the time of the full moon. That realization helped her be prepared to deal with those symptoms. That's interesting! The other panelist was Linda Burhans that does a regular radio show dedicated to caregivers . Journal Writing 101 I write on paper and I write online. You don't need to commit to every day. I don't do commitment. With a journal it can be private for just your eyes. You don't need to w...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.