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Showing posts from March, 2019

Coming in 2 Days - March 21, 2019 - Alzheimer's Kindle Book

Good Morning on this Tuesday morning. Only two days to the launch of the book, Alzheimer's Trippin' with George on Amazon Kindle.   It has taken me well over 3 hours to create this video for you.  I was low energy to start but it picks up, so hang in there. If you are just visiting this page for the first time and want to follow the continuing journey of this old lady publishing her first and second books, riding bike, and traveling... Click the Join tab above to be notified each time Susan posts and update. Until Tomorrow!

Only 3 Days to Alzheimer's Kindle Book Launch

Good morning!  Only 3 days to the launch of the first Trippin' book, Alzheimer's Trippin' with George, Diagnosis to Discovery in 10,000 Miles. I am up REAL early again this morning.  Too much excitement.  That's ok, I can get this post launched before heading over to the clubhouse for exercise and yoga. Here is the link to the Laidback Bike Report .  The audio for me was awful!  I need a new computer.  Something I will have to invest in after the launch and all the activity after the launch.  I am afraid of switching right now.  But maybe I should just for these kinds of opportunities... on-line interviews. A few months ago I arranged to have a service notify bloggers about the book launch.  They will be calling for interviews and posting about the book the week after the launch.  My former neighbors are hosting an event in celebration of the book launch on Thursday morning at their clubhouse.  And later in the day my fri...

Alzheimer's Book Launch Count Down Day 4

Hello!  It is Day 4 of the countdown to the launch of the Amazon Kindle version of the book.  Watch and then there are links below. And Share Share Share!  Thank you! Be sure to share this blog with anyone who loves recumbent bikes or is just now dealing with dementia in a friend or family member.  It isn't a depressing read, you will flow through the days just as we did. Here are the links I promised in the video. Laidback Bike Report March 17, 2019 Inverness, FL 12 Days of Cycling Facebook Page @TrippinwithSusan Facebook Group Susan Straley Writes Kindle with Joy Cover Kindle with Sunset Cover Back again tomorrow...

Alzheimer's Trippin' with George Book Launch Count Down Day 5

Here you go!  Count down to the book launch.  5 days left!!!! A bit about the bike club, the Hen House Restaurant, and the City of Inverness, Florida. Please share with those you think might benefit or enjoy reading Alzheimer's Trippin' with George. The links to the book is below.  One book, two covers. Sunset Cover: Joy/Covertible Cover: So far pre-orders on the Kindle are 26 total, 2 Sunset, 24 Joy. See you tomorrow... well, you will see me anyway.  I will imagine seeing you. Thanks for joining the journey.  If you didn't get the email notifications for this post.  Click the Join tab above and fill out the spaces to get added to the email list. 

Book Launch Count Down - 6 days!

Not time today... gotta ride. Here's the video for DAY 6. See you on Day 5!

Count down to Launch - Day 7 - Alzheimer's Travel Book

Hello! I was up real early this morning.  I couldn't sleep!  I had forgotten to record the video yesterday for the Count Down to the Launch of the Kindle version of the book, Alzheimer's Trippin' with George. This was recorded at about 4:00 this morning. They have Youtube live and I have been meaning to try it as well as facebook live.  But I think I need to get good at presenting.  I have to cut out a lot of UMMMMM, and silent thought still from my videos.  LEARNING so much. Anyway,  If you can share this blog pretty easy on your social media, just send them to The front blog post will change daily during the count down. I am debating about whether to have an open or closed group on facebook.  Right now the group is closed so that my personal page isn't full of the book focus.  But, being close means that it is harder for the members to SHARE!! and those SHARES are so important if the book is going to reac...

Day 8 - Count Down to Kindle Book Launch

Wow, that day went fast!  Already only 8 days left before the Kindle Launches. When you set a date for a kindle launch you have to have everything up and ready to go several days before you launch.  Amazon wants to make sure it can fulfill the pre-orders. So if the publisher (in this case me, the author) goofs up and tries to make changes after the deadline, Amazon will ban them from publishing ever again. That is scary.  I have had my book up and ready to launch for a long time.  BUT now I am working furiously to not only promote the books but to go in and make the pictures bigger and crisper (more pixels). See, what I didn't know is when you copy and paste, some of the density of the pixels is reduced.  Then Kindle provides a special software for the Kindle and that reduces the size of the pictures.  So the pictures are tiny and when I zoom in they are fuzzy.  I am going picture by picture and I would guess there are well over 900 pictur...

Day 9 - Count Down to the Kindle Book Launch

I just looked at the calendar and OH MY!  Only 9 days to the launch of the Kindle version of the first book in the Trippin' series.  I am excited!  I am going to TRY to make a video a day counting down to the launch.  Here is the first one.  Let me know what you think.  Comments are welcome. OTHER NEWS Gosh, so much! 1) I had my friends here from Wisconsin, Mark and Jane.  We went hiking in Potts Preserve!  If you have been following this blog a while, you may have seen the video I made of us at Potts . I was a bit nervous during the walk and let out a big cheer when we made it out ok. I went kayaking with them from Silver Springs State Park.  It is about an hour's drive, but worth it to see this crystal clear spring fed river and the wildlife along it.  Thanks to Mark for taking the pictures. They had a friend from Wisconsin, Tom, that came up to visit them from near Miami.  He was very nice and fun.  Th...