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Day 9 - Count Down to the Kindle Book Launch

I just looked at the calendar and OH MY!  Only 9 days to the launch of the Kindle version of the first book in the Trippin' series. 

I am excited!  I am going to TRY to make a video a day counting down to the launch.  Here is the first one.  Let me know what you think.  Comments are welcome.

Gosh, so much!
1) I had my friends here from Wisconsin, Mark and Jane.  We went hiking in Potts Preserve!  If you have been following this blog a while, you may have seen the video I made of us at Potts.
I was a bit nervous during the walk and let out a big cheer when we made it out ok.

I went kayaking with them from Silver Springs State Park.  It is about an hour's drive, but worth it to see this crystal clear spring fed river and the wildlife along it.  Thanks to Mark for taking the pictures.

They had a friend from Wisconsin, Tom, that came up to visit them from near Miami.  He was very nice and fun.  The picture below was something we all should fear when kayaking, getting so distracted looking at a gator that you forget that often the grass island they are laying on is there because there is a log across the stream.  He got stuck next to the hissing 5-foot gator!

2) I was invited to sell books at Trailside Bike in Floral City.  This is the bike shop I worked at a while when George had dementia.  They were very nice to me and let me bring George to work with me when I could no longer leave him alone.  The books are on display there now, and I sold one book already through them!  THANK YOU Trailside Bike!  Also, I met Gary Solomen who is a guy passionate about recumbent bikes.  He does a regular YOU TUBE video show about recumbent bicycles.  He invited me to be on his show!!!  Yes. 

So mark your calendar for March 17 and you can join the live show and post questions if you want.  The show starts at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.  I am not the only guest.  I hope I can get the lighting and audio right for the video.  You can always watch the show after the fact too.  That way you can fast forward through the boring parts... if there are any boring parts.  Here's the link.

3) I am experiencing more loss and some joys.  My good friend, Kathi, lost her daughter to cancer this week.  It is heart breaking yet I know that Kathi and her family were blessed with many years of fun and warm times with this joyous woman.  I too feel grateful to have known her.

In the same day that I heard about her loss, I saw on facebook that another friend from our Wisconsin Grub Club (Potluck club) was blessed with a new grandbaby.  A bit early but very healthy looking.  I loved seeing those pictures.  Thanks, Johnnie for sharing the pictures.  And congratulations Anna and Jack.

4) I learned that there are two big events happening on the same day I am having my book launch Celebration.  March 23rd at 10 a.m.
First - That is the same day as the Clean Air Ride on the Withlacoochee Trail.
Second - Our home owner's association is meeting for an important vote.  I already filled out my proxy vote.

5) I am driven to keep working to make this book series able to reach as many people as possible.  So I am missing out on a lot of social stuff and biking outings.  But NOT ALL of them.  I am still taking care of myself with biking and gatherings.  Maybe I will see you on the trail or at an event soon.

DON'T FORGET to send me you pictures of you or someone reading the book!  I want to make a video of people, animals, things, enjoying the book.  Make it light and fun.  You can even do little video.  Everyone who submits a picture or video of themselves or someone reading the book will receive a free copy of the 2nd book.  Alzheimer's Tripping with George - The Journey Continues.

DON'T FORGET the price of the Kindle goes up after it launches.  ON SALE NOW for only $2.99.

Link to the Kindle Sunset cover: 

Link to the Kindle Joy cover:

A portion of the author’s proceeds on the sale of this book will be donated to organizations providing support to Alzheimer’s caregivers.


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