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Day 8 - Count Down to Kindle Book Launch

Wow, that day went fast!  Already only 8 days left before the Kindle Launches.

When you set a date for a kindle launch you have to have everything up and ready to go several days before you launch.  Amazon wants to make sure it can fulfill the pre-orders. So if the publisher (in this case me, the author) goofs up and tries to make changes after the deadline, Amazon will ban them from publishing ever again.

That is scary.  I have had my book up and ready to launch for a long time.  BUT now I am working furiously to not only promote the books but to go in and make the pictures bigger and crisper (more pixels).

See, what I didn't know is when you copy and paste, some of the density of the pixels is reduced.  Then Kindle provides a special software for the Kindle and that reduces the size of the pictures.  So the pictures are tiny and when I zoom in they are fuzzy. 

I am going picture by picture and I would guess there are well over 900 pictures in the first book.  So it is taking time.  In the meantime I am trying to answer email, get out and exercise and socialize, and take care of daily business of living.

It's all good.  A learning experience.  I hope to have the pictures all done if all goes well and the new kindle formated and loaded by this weekend.

Thanks for your support.  It is working, can you believe how I just sat down next to the woman who could really enjoy and relate to the book?  I love that!    Meet Janet Siegle.

My friend, Kathie Heimsoth who is also a just-published author found that her seat mate on a plane was exactly who she should share her book with and she did it.  She inspired me to hand out more books to strangers.

There is a great book called The Tipping Point .  I keep thinking that all it takes is a few of those people who champion a cause or product to be the game changer.  A point where things change.

Who knows where this will lead.


After the launch fun, I want to start preparing for a trip I am taking to the Netherlands.  My next door neighbor and friends invited me to join them and some of their friends on a bike and boat trip.  We booked it through  This is my first trip to the Netherlands.

Well, it's late.  Time to post this. 


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