Saturday, 10/5/19 On the last post I left off that I had just arrived in Waukesha, Wisconsin and rode, dined and stayed with Mark and Jane. I hope to add to that. It has been a crazy couple of days. I lost my wallet! All my cards, my ID, some cash, gone, gone, gone. But that is a long way from Waukesha, friends and family. So I will start where I left off, with my first full day in Waukesha. September 27th, 2019, I attended a wedding! It was beautiful and fun and more. That was in the afternoon. In the morning I went for a walk. I saw that Wisconsin milkweed, though it looks different than Florida milkweed, gets the same bugs. Mark got a game for Father's Day called Flamme Rouge? It is a bicycle game! Each player gets a sprinter and a roller. You utilize drafting behind other riders and being at the front is harder... like real bike racing. But it is unlike real life bicycling because I won, and that woul...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.