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There Will Be Great Days

 Greeting from Lake Mary, Florida,

Last night after I wrote to you, Steve and I walked the side walk and trail to the Honeysuckle.  There we ate dinner.  Bruce will be glad to know we broke our streak of bad luck picking places to dine.  This was yummy.  With spicey green beans, cornbread, black-eyed peas, steamed cabbage, and sweet potato tots for me and catfish and cheezy grits for Steve,   home style southern cooking.

When we arrived back at the B&B it was all lit up.  Nice!

I use Google maps with the bicycle level turned on to map our rides.  Most the time the routing is spot on.  But I had a hunch when we got to the end of the Spring To Spring Trail, that it was putting us on the road when it didn't need to.  But that was later in the day, let me start from the beginning. 

We departed shortly after sunrise. It was a cold morning but by 9 am we were starting to peel off a layer.

We encountered a group of cyclists doing another ride we want to do, the River to Sea Loop.  The ride was put on by the Bicycle Adventure Club.  A member can organize a ride, each participant makes their own reservations and has to be self-sufficient.  I looked them up at lunch, it is $60 for a couple to join.  Not bad!

One of those riders took our picture.

We stopped for lunch at Osteen diner.  This is where we had lunch early this year when we rode this trail while camping near Titusville.  It's a great place, and it was really buzzing.  I counted six people working in the kitchen.

Steve got a kick out of what I ordered for lunch.

I shouldn't have ordered the pancake, a couple hours later I was getting the light headed sugar low feeling I used to get sometimes.  Oh ya, I don't eat that junk because it affects me like that.

A man sat across the aisle from us with his dog.  The dog was exhausted, the man says, they just spent a few hours at the dog park.

When we got to Gemini springs we noticed a jet across the highway and went to check it out.

A guy from the community was killed over in Saudi Arabia, we think.  

In Gemini springs a tree had been planted for a fireman that died working to save people in the NYC twin towers.  

When we got to Lake Monroe, the map was telling us to get on the road, but there was a nice trail on the east side of the road all the way until we turned to get to our motel in Lake Mary.

We were riding the trail and encountered another group of cyclists.  Among them was our fellow Withlacoochee Bicycle Rider, Holly!  Wow!  

She said it was the Bike Florida organization.  She said they ride the Coast to Coast Trail every month!  The same trail we are riding! What are the odds?

We have a nice place to stay.   Tomorrow it is going to rain.  We have to decide whether to go or stay an extra day.

Well, Steve just got out of the shower.  It's my turn.  There are choices in this neighborhood for dinner and maybe some music???  We will see.

Steve sent me this map of where we rode today.  54 miles!  Not bad for a 70 year old.  And I still have five out of five power markers on my e bike.  🙃 


  1. What a perfect day! We are so happy that all worked out so well - and you had a special encounter with Holly! We look forward to the next installment - especially how you navigate the “gap” over to the WST.


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