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Showing posts with the label Widows Life

Adios and Launch Florida to Wisconsin, COVID-style in my WeeRoll

Hello!   And greetings from the road! “In every walk with nature one receives much more than they seek” Two days before the launch of this trip I received a birthday card and gift from Bev.   We had met and became friends in Junior High School.   Bev makes jewelry and lots of other decorations.   She made me this necklace with the above saying on it.   What a wonderful launch to my trip! The night before launch I attended two COVID-Style Happy Hours.   I got and gave physical-distance hugs and well wishes.   I looked around for a good tree to hug, my body and heart yearning to give the comfort and connection that only comes from a good hug.   The only trees were too skinny to get a good hug. I was so glad to hear that Debra would have an experienced camper with her on her first night out in her Weeroll.  I was sad to be missing that experience with her.  She and I wanted to camp together but between COVID closings and her family visiting, it just never ha

Perspective Adjustment - Nature Heals Us

Friday, May 8, 2020 I am grateful for nature.  There are few things that raise my spririt up more than seeing something rare in nature and soaking up a beautiful day.   Especially if I have someone with whom to share the experience. So I am going to tell you all about my totally awesome day I had recently. I am also grateful for wonderful neighbors and friends that lift my spirits and sometimes they help me move heavy furniture, loan a tool or volunteer to assist with something. I will tell you all about THAT too.  But first I need to talk a bit to those folks in the future who will be reading this and wondering what is going on in the world at this time. We Are Living at the Beginning of COVID-19 Historical Perspective 2020 It is easy for us baby-boomers who have lived most of our lives with freedom of movement and freedom to express our opinions to fall into a self-pity party during this time.  We have lived in a period of economic growth for most of our lives. When

Natural Joy

Hello, I hope your are doing well with your new routines. A Morning Walk This morning the birds were singing.  It was a lovely 52 degrees when I stepped out for my walk, my face-mask tucked into my pants pocket, my binoculars tucked under my arm.  The trail that runs past our neighborhood is a state park and therefore is closed.  I have read it is scheduled to re-open on May 15th.  Breaking the rules, I walked down the trail because I had seen a nest of large white fluffy birds there the other day and I wanted to get a closer look with the binoculars. I was alone on the trail and as I approached the lakes that boarder both sides of the trail in this area I was awed once more by the beauty.  A light swirling mist was rising up from the waters. I suddenly missed George deeply.  I talked to him and told him so.  I also told him I was often glad he was gone.  At the same time I was appreciating the beauty I began to cry.  I told George I know how much he would also enjoy this

Liberated Widow's First Date and Other Ramblings

Sunday, 1/12/2020 Greetings! The last time I wrote to you I was just writing about the books and not about what is going on with me.  Sorry, that is what happens with a passion and project that needs to be spread to have an impact. So, what IS happening. THE GUY OK.  In the video count-down to launch of kindle version of THE JOURNEY CONTINUES , I mentioned that I got a call from a guy a week after Thanksgiving wishing me, "Happy Thankgiving".  He stuttered and was nervous (or pretended to be) and I engaged him in conversation a bit to kind of ease the tension and show him I wasn't going to bite. I didn't know what to think about this interest in me.  It is over a year and a half since George passed.  Some friends asked me if I would ever want a relationship with a man again.  I told them, "NO!" pretty fast and pretty decisive. But then this guy called and showed an interest and I started to run through my head the pros and cons. The guy eventua