Sunday, 1/12/2020 Greetings! The last time I wrote to you I was just writing about the books and not about what is going on with me. Sorry, that is what happens with a passion and project that needs to be spread to have an impact. So, what IS happening. THE GUY OK. In the video count-down to launch of kindle version of THE JOURNEY CONTINUES , I mentioned that I got a call from a guy a week after Thanksgiving wishing me, "Happy Thankgiving". He stuttered and was nervous (or pretended to be) and I engaged him in conversation a bit to kind of ease the tension and show him I wasn't going to bite. I didn't know what to think about this interest in me. It is over a year and a half since George passed. Some friends asked me if I would ever want a relationship with a man again. I told them, "NO!" pretty fast and pretty decisive. But then this guy called and showed an interest and I started to run through my head the pros and cons. The guy eventu...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.