Hello from West Virginia, I have spent a whole week getting back into routine and feeding myself better foods after our 10-day ride from Pittsburgh to DC. It took about four days before I started to feel like myself again. Keys I called the Chrysler Dealer Service Center in Morgantown, WV to see if they could fix my car or my fobs. But I had to leave them a message and they never called me back. I went there, but their parking lot was packed, and I knew there was no way they would get to me. So for several days I either left my car unlocked or did the quick open the door and get the key in the ignition to turn off the alarm. I was down to three loud honks. The other day I put a new battery in one of my fobs. I tried it with a little hope, but nothing happened. I concluded it must be something inside the car. The next morning it was still dark at 7 a.m. when I went to get in my car at the campground. Dang, I...
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.