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Showing posts with the label travel

Crossing Over into Missouri

Hello Friends, Family and Fans, Since I last wrote to you, I have had some great moments, learned some things, and had a few (too brief) chats with other wanderers.   The weather report is rain all day today.  It rained all night.  The cell service is nonexistent here. The unsecured-campground WiFi is being strained with so many campers shut in and seeking activity on their screens. When I last wrote, I was still at Craighead Forest Campground outside of Jonesboro, Arkansas.  I had six nights there and I did not regret booking that many.  The campground was pretty and quiet and interesting. After my touristy biking day I stuck around camp the next day..  I had good enough cell service that I could stream videos so I used YouTube and tried Heather Robertson's HIIT for Upper Body , no equipment needed.  It was tough for me, my shoulders and arms were sore the next day. I tried her lower body workout the next morning and now three-days later my thigh and glut muscles are still remindi

Exploring NE Arkansas

Sometimes as we travel we come upon things that delight us and remind us why we leave the comfort of our homes.  That, I am happy to say, is what made me forget my loneliness these past few days.  The geese have babies and they are not shy.  Craighead Forest is a city park in Jonesborro, Arkansas.  It has a lot of visitors every day walking the shore-line path around the lake.  Some of the visitors toss out bread crumbs.  I want to tell them, "Don't feed the wildlife!" Bread isn't good for their health and the Canadian Geese will continue to multiply and not migrate.  But it is fun to get up close to their fuzzy babes. I took some pictures of the elaborate play grounds so that you get an idea of the high-quality and diversity of the fun available to children here. I rode my bike on the trail in the park.  The trail took me out of the park about 1/2 mile.  I went by a cemetery and went in to explore.   One family of visitors loved trinkets.  Old ones were thrown over t