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And Now for the Angst

 June 15, 2020

Hi all,  

I hope you are doing well and able to remain positive no matter what life throws your way.  

I went for a ride by myself.  I did over 30 miles.  I stopped at the flower shop in Floral City and bought three bouquets to share with folks.  They looked pretty nice on my trike.

Our moment in history, June 2020, feels like we are standing in the middle of a food fight.  We are getting stuff thrown at us from all sides! 

I was listening to a historian/author on NPR the other day and they told of all the happenings in the late 60's.  Protests, violence against protestors, assassinations, a crazy war, distrust in our government institutions... he said it felt very much like the U.S. was falling apart.  Similar to today.

I saw some comedians on Youtube saying, "You know what happens when a country is in chaos? They get invaded."  So the comedians began begging Canada to invade us... "and bring your health care with you."

I hope you take comfort in that we survived the 1960's so we will probably survive our current unrest and crazy times.  

I am spending a lot of time chilling in nature.  I have another batch of monarch babies to watch.

I send donations to organizations doing the work.  I am comfortable with my COVID-19 excuse for not volunteering or marching, I am over 65, I am supposed to stay safe so I don't overwhelm the hospitals.  

Notice I didn't say, "staying home" or "sheltering in place."   No, I am going to travel, pulling my home behind me.  Only nine more days to launch!

JUNE - Alzheimer's and Brain Health Awareness Month

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time to increase understanding of what dementia is and how it impacts the lives of those it touches. It's also a great time to work to decrease the stigma and silence that too often accompanies an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Each June AlzAuthors hosts a book sale and giveaway to help caregivers and those concerned about dementia find knowledge, guidance, and support offered through shared wisdom and experience. AlzAuthors is the global community of authors writing about Alzheimer’s and dementia from personal experience. I’m proud to be a part of this growing non-profit organization, and I’m excited my book Alzheimer's Trippin' with George is a part of this sale. 

Starting June 15th through June 22nd you can take advantage of this biannual opportunity to purchase excellent books for freeor at reduced prices. AlzAuthors offer a variety of genres, including fiction, memoir, non-fiction, and children’s and teen literature. Most are available in Kindle and e-book, and many are available in paperback and audio. I encourage you to build a library and share them widely to help guide and inspire you (or others).

They have traveling libraries in three new states.  I sent Alzheimer's Trippin' With George to all three.

Weeroll Update

I leave on my Weeroll adventure at the end of  June.   Right now the Weeroll is back in Ocala at the manufacturer getting the air conditioner installed.

When I backed it into the parking spot the guy there unhooking my Weeroll said I did a better job than an lot of men that bring their trailers in.  So women, is that an insult or a compliment?  You decide.

Speaking of decisions... I have decided on a name for the Weeroll!  It was a tough decision because there were so many great suggestions.


Camper (or Cramalot)...  

Life is living adventurously, cramalot?

I already found a little painted picture of lilacs to hang on a wall.  And my friend Mark has been sending out a picture a day to distract and entertain some friends during COVID and he sent the lovely picture above just as I was trying to decide.  It was a signal!

When I travel, if I observe someone in the care-giving role, whether it be Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Parkinson's, MS, or whatever, it doesn’t matter.  I observe that the caregiver is dedicating their time and their life energy to help another navigate life.  I then walk over and present them the gift of one of my books.    

They may not have the time or energy to read it, but if they do, I hope it helps them feel not so alone.  And even if they never find the time to open the book, maybe they will share it with someone who will benefit or donate it to their local library.

I plan to take books with me this summer in my travels.  I want to drop some at libraries.  Not too many, I have weight and packing room to think about.

I may have less opportunities to observe other people, since I won't be going into restaurants due to Covid-19.

Traveling during COVID will be different. 

Some states still stop people at the boarder to inquire about their reason for entering.  I hear these blockades are only set up on the interstates, not on the smaller highways.

I have been told by some friends that I had hoped to do a social distance visit that they aren't visiting with anyone right now other than family.  So I won't be able to visit them.

My sister worries that I will be lonely in Wisconsin because my social life is so here at home in Florida.  But when I shared that concern with my friend, Beth, she said, "You'll be fine.  You of all people will make new friends fast."  Thank you, Beth!  I feel reassured.

My friend and neighbor Marilyn sent me an article about a family that is traveling and details the equipment they pack to deal with pee and pooh in case they don't want to or can't use the public restrooms.  There is a distinct possibility I will travel through areas where the public facilities will be closed.  I am prepared with my buckets and bags and wipes and toilet paper.

I have reservations at campgrounds along the way.  None of them have contacted me yet to cancel.  The COVID cases are going up in several states now,  In Florida we had well over 1,000 new cases each day this weekend.  

We are trying to learn to live, keep the economy going, and love as safely as possible.

Angst and Systemic Prejudice

If you are ignoring the news, to keep your calm, then you can avoid this section.

I wrote the following a while ago and didn't finish it because it was a scary time, and I didn't want to add to your fear.  

Even though I don't watch TV, the news reaches me and I grieve for our country and the world.

Sometimes I think I need to get off this planet, but then I realize I am not even as big as the period at the end of this sentence.  My being here or not only matters to my circle of influence in this specific period of time on the earth.

I feel even smaller because last night I checked the world population meter.  I do this every night but usually I just check in to record the cases of and deaths from COVID19.   This time I looked at the world population.  This year... just this year, the world population has increased by well over 32 million souls.  That is births minus deaths from all causes.

That puts our 117,000 deaths in the United States in context by numbers, but not by emotion.   It puts my own little life in context, but not by emotion.   We are strange beings, our drive to survive is strong. 

Maybe my wanting to escape the planet is because I just don't want to do the work it is going to take by many many people to make our country and world a better place.  For those of you reading this in the future, this is not only a time of a global pandemic, it is the time when our systemic racism has been exposed.

It is a the time of the peaceful marches, It is a time of some police and guardsmen kneeling with the protesters and in other places the police and guardsmen are shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful protesters, pushing some and beating others with billy clubs.  It was a time of looting and property destruction (Two different groups but lumped into one in the minds of many). 
The event that ignited people to head to the streets was a video of the murder of a man in Minneapolis.  A black man held to the ground by a police officer with his knee on the man's throat.  The man passed out and still the officer kept his knee on his throat.  And three other officers just let it happen.  Would one of them be me?  Would I just stand by and observe, maybe weakly protest... "Hey, maybe you should remove your knee," I'd say.

It is a time when one little statement could set someone off.  The video below explains why many of us are defensive.

I have thought that prejudice is demonstrated in a statement that asserts and assumes and groups all people with one characteristic in common to also have other characteristics in common.  Right now it is, "all protestors" and "all police" and "all Democrats" and "all Republicans".  

I went to have happy hour at my friends' home.  I would go nuts without these little get-togethers!  Thank you, Beth and Jim!  

Beth told me she was reading White Fragility.  

I then watched a program on Youtube with the author speaking about White Fragility.  I highly HIGHLY recommend it.  Even if you don't have a prejudice bone in your body.  Even if you are the nicest person ever.  Save this link and watch it when you have an hour.  Let me know what you think.

A friend posted on Facebook this article on what white people can do to fight racism.  75 Things White People Can Do

The only thing I have done in the past is attend MLK events once a year and donate to groups that fight racism.  I need to do more.  That means I will have to step out of my comfort zone.

Well, that is one of my goals anyway... to do stuff that scars me every day.


May you experience the joy that comes after you succeed in doing something that scares you.


  1. Hope your getting away turns out to be a awesome time, your camping set it is so cool, Alas our 27 year old Ford Ranger would probably give up and die if it had to pull a trailer, bummer for us but that's how it goes. Understand your feelings, it is easy to feel lost in times like these for sure! Well again ENJOY and remember, All who Wander, are not Lost! :)


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