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Showing posts with the label travel

Launching a Trip Now, During COVID

“Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now.  Live it, feel it, cling to it.  I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted.”   Sylvia Plath The last time I posted I was feeling anxious and not very up-beat.  I apologize if I passed on those feelings to you.  I am better now.  I hope you are ok too. There are several things that turned it around for me. I realized I wasn't focusing on the good in my life.  I have learned before that making a little effort to change my outlook makes a difference in how I view the world and my happiness level.  I made a list of things I am grateful for.    I was amazed when in no time at all I had filled three pages in my journal.  I could have gone on and on and on.   Wow! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the changes and things in the news, I suggest you try that exercise. I blocked a few people on Facebook.  Not that I don't like them as people, it is just that we were not getting any closer to common

And Now for the Angst

 June 15, 2020 Hi all,   I hope you are doing well and able to remain positive no matter what life throws your way.   I went for a ride by myself.  I did over 30 miles.  I stopped at the flower shop in Floral City and bought three bouquets to share with folks.  They looked pretty nice on my trike. Our moment in history, June 2020, feels like we are standing in the middle of a food fight.  We are getting stuff thrown at us from all sides!  I was listening to a historian/author on NPR the other day and they told of all the happenings in the late 60's.  Protests, violence against protestors, assassinations, a crazy war, distrust in our government institutions... he said it felt very much like the U.S. was falling apart.  Similar to today. I saw some comedians on Youtube saying, "You know what happens when a country is in chaos? They get invaded."  So the comedians began begging Canada to invade us... "and bring your health care with you." I hope y

Botanical Delights and Strains of Solo Travel

3/15/2020 It is Thursday, and my brother, my sister-in-law and her granddaughter Tasha are at LOVES truck stop souvenir shopping.  Tasha has promised to bring souvenirs home to her kids.  My nephew's wife texts me, "Where are you?" I text her back and with 15 minutes they are there to wisk me off for some sight-seeing.  YEAH!!! They take me to the Botanical Gardens.  I am excited because I have heard that the desert really blooms after a rain, and it sure has been raining! They also took me to the hole in the rock which was next door.  Thank you Tom and Sara, Jack and Mike for taking me along on your tourist adventures! We then returned to my brother's home and prepare to all go together to dinner.  Some bars and restaurants were already closing due to the COVID-19 virus. We all were still in denial, I think. Feeling the Fear It is Friday, 3/13/2020.  I am still in Arizona.  I have moved on from staying at my brothe