Regret is useless. So, I push it away when it rears its ugly head. I keep envisioning a waterfall. I can't hold out my hand and stop it. I certainly can't reverse it. Instead, I push through, I learn, I go forward. The DMV I was nervous going to the DMV. Though there are thousands of people living as Nomads in this country, and all of those that drive themselves around the country need a Driver's License. That is what I was telling myself. Some of them live in tents, right? So living in a trailer that is registered as a utility trailer shouldn't be a problem. I called Connie, who has been living in her van until recently. She is the one who directed me to Green Cover Springs for mail service and to establish my address in Florida. She reassured me that the folks at the DMV were very knowledgeable. Thousands of nomads make Green Cove Springs their address. They know how to do this. She didn't need an appointment when she did it, pre-covid. I was comfor
Letters to friends from a young-old woman, author and life explorer. This is Susan's journal of continuing travel adventures, goofy mishaps, and life experiences.