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Showing posts with the label utility trailer conversion

Anticipation of Adventures and Meetups in Pennsylvania

 Good Morning! I started to pack up this morning for moving myself and Lilac away from Stow, Ohio near the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and onto our next location near Tionesta, PA.  Then it occurred to me that I may be quite remote there.  Without cell service or good cell service, how will I let you know about all the exciting things about to happen?   Before my last post went out I heard from a couple people asking where I was at and how I was doing.  I want to share with you some pictures from my great time with Cindy and Regis Hampton here.  And I want to tell you about... well, other exciting stuff happening.   First, my time here with Regis and Cindy near the National Park has been wonderful.  I just love these folks!  We feel like family, the kind that can argue around the dinner table with respect and that can sit in silence with each other and not feel the need to talk or entertain.   If you don't know Cindy and Regis they are people persons.  They used to own a friendly

Backing Up Hill

 Hello! I am writing in a lovely campground overlooking a shimmering lake.  It is morning and I have on a jacket and a quilted vest, but I have moved my computer, tv-tray, and chair out of Lilac to get better cell service and to enjoy the scenery.  Earlier the song birds were singing, but now it is mostly crows making noise. I can't believe I let so much time and travel pass without writing you.  It just seems like my time has been filled with driving, maintenance, exploring, and visiting.  But some of the gap might be due to procrastination... I don't really know.  Today I have a pause, a time to reflect and share.  One of the reasons for this is I am not unhooking the camper.   There are two reasons for that.  One, I am only here two nights and I need to just stay put a day to regroup and rest and write.  The second reason is that where my trailer is sitting is flat, but I had to back up quite a hill to get it there.   The picture doesn't really show the slant, you can