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Showing posts with the label travel

Bicycle Tour - Floral City to Clearwater Beach

We went on a little Bike Tour! Steve and I just got back from a short (five night, six day) bike tour.  We went with my long-time friends Regis and Cindy Hampton.  I want to tell you all about it, but first I have other stuff to share. Be patient, or just scroll down.  That is the good thing about the printed word, you can just skip the parts that don't interest you. When it has been over a month since I last wrote to you, there is a whole lot to share!  But I am going to try not to bore you and just tell a few stories and highlight the bike tour because I know some of you will be interested in that. Thanks for reading on... Hard To Part With Stuff Holding Memories  This weekend the campground where I am parked by Inverness, Florida is having a park-wide yard sale.  A lot of the residents are putting their stuff on my neighbors' yard and in their car port.   I had forgotten all about the sale and was heading for the gym when I saw some neighbors organizing the merchandise.  I t

Cold Camping In Florida

 It is Christmas morning and I am camping on St. George Island off the coast of the panhandle of Florida. I am snuggled under a folded over quilt and a folded over down comforter.  The little space heater I use in Lilac has been working hard all night.  It is still cool in the camper outside my bed so when my alarm goes off.  I lay there and wonder why I should get up.  I mean, really, it is too cold to go out and walk or ride.  It is Christmas afterall. But then I remember how wonderful the starry night was on Christmas Eve. How beautiful the sunrise was the previous morning.   I remembered that it would be fun to send Steve a sunrise picture or two.   I pull the covers off.  I am already half dressed in two long-sleeve shirts and a light sweatshirt and long underwear.   I turn on the coffee maker and finish putting on many more layers.  Ending with a wind breaker because these days the wind blows the cold right through to your skin. Sleep - A Senior's Dilemma I have the alarm set