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Pittsburgh to DC by Bicycle! We did it!

 Hello family and friends! We made it to DC! No cold rain, no falls, no robberies, no bears.  We had perfect weather and great places to stay.  Lucky lucky lucky!   I will share more another day. We are in DC in a nice motel and going to leave in search of food on a minute. Some pics of what we saw today.  As usual the order of them is all mixed up. The MLK monument. Patrick that we met in Ohiopyle on this trip met us in George Town, bought us lunch, and biked around with us.  Thank you Patrick O’Brient  Shortly after we left the campground this morning we stopped at Some falls on the Potomic River. Joan got to watch the ranger open the canal gates, but I had to run to the potty. In DC we were very impressed with the Korean War Memorial. We had to bike off the canal and take a ride around a boat house to find mile marker zero. Looking down at the tow path in George Town. A kiosk told us about turning the old abandoned C&O into a National park.  I will tell you about it when I am si

Tomorrow DC

 Hello, I will be quick as it is already dark and the mosquitoes have driven me into the tent. Joan and I will be finishing up our ride tomorrow when we arrive in DC. These past few days have been great and I have a lot to share, but not tonight.

Biking today to Harpers Ferry!

You will find the start of this blog in the middle.  Dang phone shot these pictures up to the top.  When I wanted to add them toward the end. I forgot to mention two fun encounters I had yesterday. Matt Marra was out on a day ride and saw me so loaded and had to turn around and ride with me a while.  He is new to biking for fun and exercise and was now starting to toy with the idea of loading up and venturing out on a tour.  He asked for advice on what to pack. I told him atwo shirts for biking and one shirt for evenings after your shower.  One to sleep in. I should have also said to pack as if he would be caught in a downpour when it is cold out.  We haven’t had that this trip, but cold and wet do not make an enjoyable camping trip. Matt is visiting from The Carolina’s I met up with Joan in Williamsport.  A lovely town with old colonial style homes lining some of the streets. I got a sub, where do I put it?  Joan came over and snapped it under my bungee.  Fixed! It didn’t fall, eggpla